Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Time is Now - Returning to MATC

As I sit down to write this post, I struggle quite a bit to think of what I want to say. What should I say to the big bad Internet out there? 

Last week, I returned to school, just like I have in the past. But this time it feels different. I have a goal, a plan and this is just the first step in it. A little back story should help...

In 2003-2004, I enrolled at MATC to gain a Marketing and Business Management degree. At that time I had dreams of helping create a video game empire. Every little kids' dream, right? My best friend since 1st grade and I had already been working on a Multi-User Dungeon (MUD), a few online games and stories for our very own RPG. He was and still is an excellent programmer, which at that time was simply the baseline for making a video game. We had a few other people involved, someone for art, I knew a couple local bands that would do music if needed, and a couple of contributors for story and design. 

I personally wasn't too great at programming, although I tried. And my art and music talents were less than desirable. But there was one thing I was pretty good at; getting people together, starting a dialogue and forming a game plan. Which all seemed to fit a degree in business, but alas life got in the way and I had to put school by the wayside.

Fast forward 11 years... Marriage, child, house and a career in production had left me out of the technology game. Most of my friends involved in computers had already established strong careers and I, while satisfied with my personal life, struggled more and more each day enjoying my professional journey.

I still kept up with new technology, because ever since my first computer I just couldn't get enough. From games, to design, music, and everything in between, I still loved it. 

Then, things started falling into place for a comeback. 

In the back of my head I had always said, "If this happens, I'm going back to school." "If that happens, I know I can do it." If that, if this; those terms had basically been running through my mind ever since I left school. So finally, with the support of my wife, friends, and family I pulled the trigger. 

So here I am world!! Enrolled in the Network Specialist Program at MATC. Why networking? Well because just like humans, computers love to talk to each other and I love getting people together for a chat.


  1. Great first post. Good Luck. I wish you only success on your new path.

  2. Every moment has a purpose, may all your moments contribute to your dreams :)
