Thursday, October 29, 2015

Enjoying a little talk with TED

TED talks have been around for many years now, but it never stops amazing me how fun and informative they are. Recently for an assignment, we were suppose to select and review a TED talk and blog about it.

It was not an easy task to pick out a single talk and then review it. I kind of went on a TED binge in the past 48 hours. BUT, good news, there was one that really stuck out in my head that I wanted to share with everyone.

The TED platform has never solely been about how great a presentation is, but more focused on the concept of sharing ideas. This video I think embodies that mindset. As Johnny Lee opens, he sets the stage for re purposing technology that wasn't even available 10+ years ago. Not only did he explain how to use inexpensive solutions to get more value out of existing tech but was able to demonstrate multiple uses for it as well.

During the talk, you can tell that Johnny was nervous; slightly sweating, the speed in his voice switching and using his hands consonantly to steady himself. It's what made me enjoy this talk more than anything.

You can have a great idea that's worth sharing but sometimes it doesn't help if you can't get an audience. I'd like to think this was one of his most difficult challenges, (of course this is only from watching his 6min video) to stand up there on stage and share his idea with a live audience.

I can relate, public speaking is one of those things you have to work at if it doesn't come naturally and that's why I really got into this one. I never watched TED talks for how calm or professional someone was presenting. That helps keep in audience focused of course, but I truly enjoy the ideas people are sharing and the fact that they are willing to get on stage and share them with the world.


  1. nice post good eye for detail about the video

  2. I remember seeing this video years ago. This was probably the first TED talk that I saw and loved the presentation. Glad you chose this one to report on.

  3. Great post one of the best TED talks I have seen so far thanks. I agree with your point that the most important feature of the TED talk format is that it provides an open platform to share ideas.

  4. I really enjoyed watching this Ted talk! Great choice!

  5. Good post Howard. I can relate to your point about public speaking too.

  6. Great observation on how public speaking is not the easiest thing to do!

  7. Hey, great! I wanted to use this one, as I saw it a while ago, but it was not totally convincing.
    you made an excellent job bringing that although proffesionals, they would still be nervous, public speaking is not easy for most of us, and that is something to note easily.

  8. I'll definitely check this talk out! Great post!

  9. This is actually very interesting. I did not know that the end of the remote was an infrared camera, or that it could be used for such interesting high tech things...
